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What your 100-day project could be?

It can be an art project or not. It can be anything you want it to be.

The main idea of a 100-day project is to develop a habit by doing every day, day after day, for a 100 days, something that you want to improve, be better at or even learn something new. So think of anything that could bring extra value to your work or life in general.

I was talking with two of my friends about my 100-day project and that maybe they should start one too, but both of them said that "Oh, but first I have to learn, this and that... and after I can start my project." But the truth is you don't have to learn anything first, you can make the learning process a part of your project. Because the way we all learn new things is by doing them until we figure out how to do it and then it becomes easier and easier and one day you just realize that you are doing it with ease, without even thinking. And a project like this can put you on the doing path so that you are learning fast and in an efficient way. And there you are in the end a proud owner of a brand-new habit. Just think of how many things you could learn or get better at in a relatively short period of time.

It doesn't have to be something complicated or big. Start with a simple idea.

Here are some ideas of 100-day projects that came into my mind:

An art project. I start with this because I really enjoyed doing my 100 floral illustrations and it helped me grow to a level that I have never dreamed of before. I didn't even know that I could draw like this. And maybe you think that you are not that good to do a project like this... but hey, we all start somewhere. And that is the purpose of a 100-day project, to get better at that something.

And it can be any type of art. Drawing, painting, sculpting, patchwork (if that is an art), collage, singing, playing a musical instrument, dancing, acting... did I miss something? Any art you could imagine. But please don't make it graffiti by drawing on your neighbour's house or fence. :D

Place your health above anything else. Focusing on solving a health issue or develop a healthy lifestyle can be the subject of a 100-day project. You can do a project on preparing and eating a fresh vegetable or fruit salad, Exercise every day for 30 minutes, go for a walk. Or maybe you just need more calm in your life so you could practice meditation. You can also use this project idea to get rid of some unhealthy habits and replace them with some beneficial ones. Of course, after finishing your project continue with your new healthy habit.

Improve your knowledge in a field that you are interested in, or it can add extra value to your work. It can also be personal development. Maybe you are a very busy person and you have no time to read books. But you can probably find 10 peaceful minutes to read every day. Read 5 pages a day and that will be 500 in 100 days. Think of how many things you could learn in 100 days by reading.

Face your fear. A fear of something can be a good subject of a 100-day project like it was my fear of inking. I promise you that you will be completely fearless at the end of your project.

Improve a skill that you are not comfortable doing right now, but it would be good for you to master it.

Anything can fit a 100-day project.

If you think "Oh, but I want to do or create something that is too big, can not be finished in one day." No problem, you don't have to finish one piece of something in one day... you have 100 days. Divide that big task into small tasks, do a small task every day and when you are done start all over again. You will not have 100 objects to show up after those 100 days, but it's ok, you will still have some extraordinary achievements and you will be so much richer with valuable experiences and skills.

So find your what to do and start your project today!


Let me know what you think about this article. Find some other tips about doing a 100-day project in my other articles: Things I have learned doing my 100-day project and Tips on how to do your 100-day project. You can also read my full conclusion on my 100-day project here.

Also find all the 100 drawings along with some work in progress photos here.

If my project inspires you to do yours, I will be happy to hear about it, so let me know. Tag @agotapopillustration or use #agotapopillustration so that I can find your project. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did and that you will turn that experience to your full benefit.

You can follow me on Instagram at @agotapopillustration for inky drawings or @agotapop for colouring.

To create the image for this post, I have used as a base a photo from StockSnap.

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