Magical Fairies
The story of my first ink illustrations ever.
These illustrations are amongst the first illustrations I have ever drawn in ink, most precisely fineliner, a very cheap fineliner, doing a very good job. I had no intention whatsoever to draw colouring pages. I didn't even know about the existence of adult colouring. Colouring in my perception was kindergarten stuff. And of course, I didn't know anything about inking techniques, fineliners, nib sizes, and all those fancy stuff that makes inking itself such an amazing and popular art.
That was a few years ago when worldwide pandemics belonged only in science fiction movies and I was a fashion designer and pattern creator in a local woman's wear factory and I thought that this is what I am going to do for the rest of my life. I drew these pages just for fun because drawing was something I enjoyed to do since I was about two years old and being creative to me is a necessity like breathing for all of us. Then I put these drawings away in a drawer and never touched them again... until last year. Usually, I tend not to like my old drawings after a while, maybe the progress changes the perception about the shape, mistakes become obvious and the overall thing is not corresponding with the new standard. But somehow I still like these drawings, though the portraits have little to do with the correct anatomic proportions. :)) But because they are magical beings they are allowed to be disproportioned. Maybe this is an essential condition of being an enchanted fairy. :)
And now that we are all waiting for the magic of spring to appear from underneath the freezing snow... I thought to bring my fairies and let them come alive through colours and maybe spring will come faster. :D This is why I love to create colouring pages so much! Colouring pages gives us the possibility to escape into a magical world. I create only a little part of that magic the rest is up to the colourist. How amazing is this!
And how can spring come without a flowering tree, flowers of magic? Please don't ask me what kind of flowers are... I was not an expert in drawing flowers then, so they all belong to that Fairy Land.
So here are my fairies in their magical world! Check them out in full-page on my Etsy shop. Let me know what you think.
When colouring my fairy in the magical forest mood I was thinking that these fairies can be transformed into anything you can imagine. It comes to my mind a winter fairy with frozen greys and blues and ocean fairy with watery blues and turquoise, but it can be anything! Let your imagination be free!
If you decide to colour them I would love so much to see the result so please if posting on Instagram please use the hashtag #agotapophappycolouring and tag @agotapop so I can find it.
Follow me on Instagram @agotapopillutration for illustrations in ink and colouring pages or @agotapop for colour lovers, if you need some inspiration.
I wish you a wonderful time colouring them! :)
Follow me on Instagram @agotapopillutration for illustrations in ink and colouring pages or @agotapop for colour lovers, if you need some inspiration.
The images used for this blog post are original creations by AgotaPopIllustration, they represent details from the Magical Fairies colouring pages.